Sometimes You Have to Travel a Long Way to Find What is Near After all this years, this still my fave travel quote from coelho, whenever i reach the airport, … Continue readingTravelogue
a visual journey
Sometimes You Have to Travel a Long Way to Find What is Near After all this years, this still my fave travel quote from coelho, whenever i reach the airport, … Continue readingTravelogue
Hello Guys, hows your NYE? Ā i hope you are having a great Night. Actually i stop celebrate it, long time ago. I through a lot of stage in my life … Continue readingNYE, just a Regular Night (For Me)
“Kehidupan kita bisa dianalogikan dengan kopi, masing-masing kita sudah ada takaran nya, selera masing masing, ada yang suka manis atau sedikit pait, juga isi gelasnya tidak sama satu dengan lainnya.
Pagi āpagi koq ngomongin pasrah, hari senin pula, bukanĀ maksud untuk jadi demotivasiā¦Cuma kali kali aja ada yang merasa, hari senin nya berat banget, udah istirahat 2 hari (sabtu, minggu) … Continue readingKapan Harus Pasrah
Anything that annoys you is “for” teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is “for” teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.
For those who are not frightened by the solitude, everything will have a different taste. In solitude, they will discover the love that might otherwise arrive unnoticed.
You’ll end up really disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them Not everyone has the same heart as you
Life is a question, no one can answer itā¦. Death is an answer, no one can question it Unknown